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What Is Myostatin HMP?
Myostatin, often known as GDF-8, or Growth Differentiation Factor 8, is a protein which is an inhibitor of the process of myogenesis, which is muscle cell differentiation and growth. It is a natural secretion which belongs in the family of TGF beta proteins. It’s manufactured in the human and animal body in the muscles of the heart.
Its function in the human and animal body is to tell the body when to stop producing more muscle. Muscles which grow too large risk more damage than a normal sized muscle, and may affect the growth of adjacent organs, so this is a useful function for most people. This doesn’t sound all that interesting, until you consider that many athletes and body builders believe that by inhibiting the production of Myostatin, muscles can be encouraged to grow larger and stronger.
Myostatin has been intensively studied by scientists as it holds out hope for people suffering from diseases such as muscular dystrophy, where the muscles become weak and wasted. People with these kinds of conditions show higher levels than normal of Myostatin.
Some people have a natural mutation in the Myostatin gene which inhibits its production, and people with this condition have been shown to have greater muscle mass than average.
The amount of Myostatin produced by the body varies depending on the developmental stage which has been reached. Babies and young people have less, as they are in a growing phase, whereas adults generally have more, because their muscles have reached sufficient size. Production of Myostatin is thought to be influenced by exercise, as the body demands more muscle build up when under stress from exercise. Diet also has an impact on Myostatin production levels.
What Is Myostatin Inhibition And What Are It’s Benefits?
Myostatin inhibitors are intended, as the name suggests, to prevent the production of Myostatin. There is evidence to indicate that reducing or stopping the production of Myostatin prevents muscles from become weak during times when they are not active, for example, when a person needs protracted bed rest to recover from an illness. It may also be useful to suppress Myostatin production when a person suffers from illnesses such as heart disease, kidney failure, wasting diseases and some types of cancer.
It should be stressed that these are experimental results only, and there is no currently approved medical application for these kinds of products. However, studies show that the use of such inhibitors can produce positive results in terms of increased muscle strength in healthy middle aged adults. More trials are underway.
Another outcome from the inhibition of Myostatin is thought to be a reduction in the body’s mechanisms to lay down fat deposits. This could be an indication that inhibitors such as Follistatin might help to combat overweight and obesity in humans. Follistatin work-out supplements are available and have been shown to produce positive improvements in muscle mass.
There are certain foods and supplements which are thought to inhibit Myostatin.
These include:
Creatine – one study indicates that used by men in good health, Creatine can build muscle in power athletes.Epicatechin – another substance which is attracting interest in the athletic community. This is a flavonoid which can be found in broad beans, chocolate, pomegranate, blackberries and green tea. Obviously the consumption of healthy foods containing Epicatechin is nutritious, and does not have any down side.
These kinds of supplements are produced under controlled conditions, but currently they are still being evaluated by the sports and medical communities and are not approved by the FDA for clinical use. It’s always a good idea to discuss supplements with your medical advisor.
When taking these supplements designed to inhibit Myostatin, it’s wise to ensure that you are consuming plenty of high quality protein to ensure that you have the building blocks for all that new muscle growth. Avoid sugar in its refined form, keep the carbs low, and make sure you keep up your supplement dosage as suggested.
Outcomes of Myostatin Inhibitor Use
The main positive outcome which athletes look for is muscle growth, and there is evidence that this will be the result. Many users have achieved significant results. It should be noted that increases in muscle growth aided by Myostatin inhibitors may result in extra wear and tear. Other negatives may include a higher chance of rupturing a tendon, and possible heart and kidney complications, so athletes should be careful to stick to the prescribed dosages of these supplements. They should also monitor themselves carefully, as when using any performance enhancing substance
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